
Certification. Strategic pillars.

The Madeira Tourism Strategy 2022-2027 brings together a set of 6 Strategic Pillars for the development of the Region.

Nature, Active & Sport Tourism

Mountains, levadas and paths, viewpoints, gardens and forests, circuits and walking tours, sports and activities on the ground, bird watching.

Health and Wellness

Healthy and alternative food, yoga, thalassotherapy, psamotherapy, meditation, spiritual retreats, treatments and spa, places that provide physical and mental well-being.

Sea and Nautical Tourism

Sea beaches and natural pools, nautical sports and activities, whale watching, cruise tourism

Lifestyle & New Trends

Signature/author tourism and restoration, nightlife, trendy places, places capable of attracting digital nomads and professionals in remote work

Consciousness & Sustainability

Social and environmental volunteer tourism, initiatives that promote the circular economy and the reduction of consumption, programs to boost local commerce

Cultural Heritage, Food & Wine

Material and intangible heritage, attractions and themed routes, distinctive gastronomy, wine tourism

The 6 guiding drivers of the Strategy.


Strengthen destination management, improve knowledge and monitor the performance of the Tourism sector.


Bet in the diversity, differentiation, and structuring of the tourist offer.


Invest in increasing the notoriety of Madeira as a destination.


Attract, qualify and value Human Resources strong in the tourism sector.


Promote investment in the tourism sector.


Ensure the sustainability of the destination (cultural, environmental, economic, and social).

Quem certifica o destino?


EarthCheckis the entity responsible for the certification process of Madeira as a sustainable tourist destination.

Find out more about EarthCheck

EarthCheck is one of three organisations accredited by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council for this purpose, and is a world leader in scientific benchmarking and certification for the travel and tourism industry. The regulation adopted by EarthCheck stipulates an evolutionary certification process that imposes the progressive achievement of four levels (silver, gold, platinum, and master), forcing each destination to demonstrate adequate compliance with the criteria evaluated over time consistently.

The certification process.

Madeira has continuously invested in the sustainability of the territory, preserving and valuing endogenous resources.

The development of the Madeira destination. is aligned with the 10 articles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism of the World Tourism Organization and with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, which contribute to the maximization of the benefits of tourism and minimize the potential negative impacts.

Global Code of Ethics
Sustainable Development Goals
Read more about the process

Phase I: Benchmarking

01. DMO’s Constitution
  • Team allocation
  • Definition of responsibilities
02.Policy Definition
  • Identification of the main challenges and potential
  • Reference to the main commitments of the DMO
  • Comparison with other destinations in key areas
  • Identification of areas for improvement

Phase II: Certification

04.Legal compliance
  • Identification of legislation related to the areas of sustainability
  • Legislative adequacy with the certification process
  • Development of Risk Assessment
  • Action Plan Development
06. Communication and monitoring
  • Integrated process assurance
  • Monitoring the certification process

Who manages the process?

The Management Structure of the Madeira Certification Process (DMO), is the entity nominated by the Regional Government of Madeira (Resolution of the Regional Government Council no. 51/2022, of 31 January 2022), with powers to plan, organise, implement, manage and supervise the certification of Madeira as a Sustainable Tourism Destination, according to the EarthCheck normative standard, on a collaborative basis.

These are the main documents of the process:

  • Guiding document of the destination’s intentions regarding sustainability, presenting the purpose and associated commitments.
  • Report that identifies the potential level of risk situations, whether planned, accidental or emergency, natural or anthropic, related to the scope of action of the Madeira destination.
  • Set of commitments and actions for sustainability, articulated with the various Secretariats of the Regional Government of Madeira, Municipalities and stakeholders of the destination.