Calheta Reversible Hydro Power Station

Central Reversível Elétrica da Calheta produz 33% da energia provenientes de fontes renováveis.

Calheta Reversible Hydro Power Station

Em 2021, 33% da energia elétrica produzida na região foi proveniente de fontes renováveis. Nos próximos anos os valores irão aproximar-se dos 50%, de acordo com o Plano de Ação para Energia Sustentável e Clima 2030-50.

In this context we highlight the installation of the Calheta Reversible Hydro Power Station, a unit that includes the production of electricity and the capture, storage and pumping of water, aiming to strengthen the capacity to receive energy from intermittent renewable sources in the electrical system of Madeira Island. It is estimated that this unit, already in operation, will reduce annual Greenhouse Gas emissions by 51.8 kt of CO2 equivalent.

More information HERE AQUI