The Autonomous Region of Madeira has achieved a distinction in the destination´s certification

A Região Autónoma da Madeira alcança distinção na certificação do destino com a conquista do Selo de Bronze em novembro de 2022

The Autonomous Region of Madeira has achieved a distinction in the destination´s certification

The Autonomous Region of Madeira took a significant step in the certification process by obtaining the Bronze Seal from EarthCheck, an entity accredited by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, which is responsible for certifying the Region.

The Region obtained the classification of best practice in the following benchmarking indicators: dimension of protected areas and green spaces, solid waste sent to landfill and safety. The quality of surface and bathing water, greenhouse gas emissions and primary energy consumption, per capita, are other benchmark indicators of the Region well positioned against other destinations.

Read more HERE.

Source: Regional Secretariat for Tourism and Culture